Friday, February 5, 2016

Special dream.

Never before had I dreamt of buying “Tashi delay Khadar”. And never before had I realized myself right after the dream that the turn of events known to me in the dream were all the indication and harbinger of good thing taken place in our country.
I was carrying folded Kabney on my left hand and already out somewhere in Norzing lam. I did not know for what purpose I was there in Thimphu but I am sure I was in formal dress and walking towards the Chubachu traffic from main traffic. Not far from main traffic, I met with group of people holding Khadar in their hand and talking about offering Khadar. Upon seeing their Khadar, I realized that I brought no Khadar and was rushing to buy Khadar as if I too been there for offering Khadar. I darted to one of the Tshongkhang which turned to me as though Tshongkhang does sell all sort of Bhutanese attire and traditional things. I could find and reached the intended Tshongkhang without losing much time. Upon my inquiry about the Tashidelay Khadar, woman as a shopkeeper brought a roll of Khadar and unfurled on the counter table to know whether I was seeking for such quality. She picked one Khadar among many and showed me its full length. Yes the type and quality of the Khadar was perfect to me. It was pretty new, well folded and the writing “Tashey Delay” in Dzongkha was also clearly shown to me. I bought the Khadar and relieved myself from the tense of not getting along with other people for offering Khadar. But Khadar to whom I should offer then was clueless? I was in Thimphu along the Norzin lam. I was fine to approach any high level people and equally ok to enter any places that demands formal dress with Kabney. Nobody shared me to whom we were preparing Khadar until my phone rang from below the pillow. I wake up and reached my phone. It was 4.30 am 6th February and the person calling me was our Chepoen. Uff… thought of Chepoen, might be asking for some Zomdu and contribution. Anyhow could not reject his call and responded. To my surprise he was the one sharing me to whom we have to offer Tashi Delay Khadar. Unlike other time, the Chepoen’s tone of speech too showed some flavor of enthusiasm. The message from him was “ Lobey!, prepare Jachang for our newly born Gasey”, he continued” we will have gathering with Jachang at Phangdo (near Dugay Dzong) at 6 am.”  My joy knows no bound. The early hour’s drowsy and the chill outside my cozy bed did not deter me obeying Chepoen’s command. So unusual at the dawn of the day opens to the dawn of the new era for our Bhutanese. Nation wakes up to this wonderful and soothing news.